The mission of the Town of Yanceyville is to provide its citizens and visitors a clean, safe, hometown atmosphere that anyone would be proud to call home. Yanceyville will strive to prepare and build for the future, while at the same time maintain and preserve our deep-rooted heritage that has been an important part of this community for over two hundred years.
Stay tuned for Town of Yanceyville Updates that will be shared here. Visit again soon.
The Town of Yanceyville operates under the Council/Manager form of Government. Yanceyville's Town Council is made up of four Council Members and a Mayor, elected at large by qualified voters. The Town Manager is appointed by the Town Council and serves as the Zoning Officer and Budget Officer. The Town Manager manages and directs all daily operational activities of the Town through direct communication with department heads. The Town Manager oversees the Planning, Purchasing, Personnel, and Budgeting.
Other administrative offices include, General Administration, Finance, Public Services, Public Safety, Human Resources, Utilities, Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development.
The Yanceyville Town Council works to bring infrastructure and development for the benefit of our citizens. While also expanding water/sewer infrastructure, Public Safety Memorial (Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, and Emergency Services), Sidewalk improvements, and continuous improvements to existing water/sewer infrastructure are a few of the Town's improvements providing incentive for growth and development.
Meet Our Mayor and Council
The Town Council is responsible for setting the policies that guide Town Administration. The Town Council is responsible for setting the tax rate and water and sewer rates within the Town. Additional duties of the Town Council are to bring economic and community development to the Town, determine services provided to citizens, and ensure the community remains fiscally and socially healthy and prosperous.
Mayor Alvin Foster - A life-long resident of Yanceyville. Currently retired, he was the Automotive Technology Instructor in the Caswell County School System for 19 years and served as head baseball coach at Bartlett Yancey High School. His purpose on Town Council remains unchanged since he began serving 37 years ago. He wants to make Yanceyville a more desirable place to live with jobs that will enable our children to return home if they wish.
Phone: (336) 598-1240
Mailing Address: 203 Chandler Road Blanch NC, 27212
Mayor Pro Tem Darrell McLean - With a Master’s Degree from NCA&T and a music degree from Cincinnati Conservatory, he was voted in as the Mayor Pro Tem. His goal is to help the town council make informed decisions in an effort to promote public safety. His vision includes seeing a permanent law enforcement presence within the town limits and a repaired water system.
Phone: (336) 694-1170
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 476, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Council Member Kenneth Darnell - Having attended Alamance Community College and Guilford Tech, Mr. Darnell’s goal as a council member is to serve all the citizens of Yanceyville and advance the way of life in Yanceyville. His vision is to grow the town while maintaining the quiet, safe atmosphere the residents want to enjoy.
Phone: (336) 694-5554
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 950, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Council Member Brian Massey
Phone: (336) 694-4586
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 359, Yanceyville, NC 27379
Council Member Keith Tatum
Phone: (336) 694-5505
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 111 Yanceyville, NC 27379
Town Council Minutes and Agendas
Click below to access meeting agendas and minutes. If there is an archived meeting you would like access to please send a request to Town Clerk.
Feb 08-Agenda
Jun 10-Agenda
Jun 10-Minutes
Sep 15 Agenda
Nov 15-Agenda
Apr 23-Agenda
Jun 16-Agenda
Nov 10-Minutes
Planning Board Minutes and Agendas
Click below to access meeting agendas and minutes. If there is an archived meeting you would like access to please send a request to
Advisory Commissions:
The Town of Yanceyville uses Advisory Commissions and Boards to provide additional information to Town Council and staff regarding policy changes or needs in the community.
Planning Board:
The Planning Board of the Town of Yanceyville is a five member Board appointed by the Town Council to oversee Zoning Ordinance applications, violations, and amendments. The Town Council uses the recommendations of the Planning Board when determining Zoning appeals and other various Zoning requests.
Planning Board Members:
Meeting Schedule:
The Planning Board meets in the Yanceyville Municipal Services Building on the third Wednesday of each month, unless there is no business to attend to. The meetings start at 5:15pm and are open to the public to attend. The Yanceyville Planning Board follows the same meeting procedures as the Yanceyville Town Council.
Town Staff:
The staff with the Town of Yanceyville strive to make sure its citizens, business owners, and visitors are provided with all of the information possible about the Town of Yanceyville. Although the Town staff is limited in number, each staff member can assist you with a range of assistance, information, or direction.
Town Staff:
The Staff with the Town of Yanceyville strives to make sure its citizens, business owners, and visitors are provided with information about the
Town of Yanceyville. Although the Town staff is limited in number, each staff member can aid you with a range of assistance, information, and/or direction
Kamara Barnett - Town Manager/Clerk, Administration
Miranda Harrelson-Deputy Clerk, Administration
Mark Guthrie - Interim Public Works Director, Public Works
Elvis Strader- Public Works Staff, Public Works
Jonathan Reagan- Public Works Staff, Public Works
Sharon Willis - Billing & Collections Clerk, Utility Billing
Vernon Massengill- Fire Chief, Fire Department
Kathryn Hinton - Administrative Assistant
Below you will find information regarding the voting procedure for residents of the Town of Yanceyville.
Voter Registration Requirements
To vote in Caswell County, you must be:
Persons having business with the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles, may register to vote with the DMV.
Once registered, a resident may vote in the precinct in which they reside. If you move out of your precinct, but remain within Caswell County, you should notify the board office in writing of your new address. If you wish to change your party affiliation, you must complete either a Voter Registration Application/Up-date Form or complete the right side of a Voter Verification card that has been mailed to you. All changes must be either postmarked or received in the Board of Election’s office at least 25 days before the election. A Voter Verification card will be mailed to the voter indicating their precinct and location of their polling site after voter applications/updates have been processed.
Board of Elections Address:
140 Main Street
PO Box 698
Yanceyville, North Carolina 27379
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
Robert Webb, Director
Phone: (336) 694-4010
Fax: (336) 694-9924
How do I vote absentee?
Absentee voting by mail:
To request absentee ballots by mail, the request must be in writing and mailed or delivered to the Board of Elections’ office in Yanceyville. This request must include your full name, residence address, date of birth, and address where you would like the ballots to be mailed. You must sign the request. Any registered voter may request an absentee ballot.
If you are unable to travel to a polling site due to illness or disability a member of your immediate family may write a request for an application for your absentee ballots. Once the completed application is returned, ballots are mailed directly to the voter.
Completed ballots must be received in the Board of Elections office by 5 p.m. on the day prior to the election. Ballots my be mailed or hand-delivered to the Board of Elections office, 140 Main Street, Yanceyville, North Carolina 27379 (next to the Post Office).
Absentee voting in person:
One-Stop Absentee Voting – This is a process in which you appear in person and vote your ballots while in the board office. (No earlier than three weeks prior to the election) Any qualified voter wishing to vote prior to Election Day may vote at the Board of Elections office.
Where do I vote?
Yanceyville Voting Precincts:
All Yanceyville residents (both Precinct 2 & 4) vote at the Yanceyville Municipal Services Building. The Yanceyville Municipal Services Building is located at 158 East Church Street Yanceyville, NC 27379.
Who should I contact with further questions?
Caswell County Board of Elections
(336) 694-4010
Speak Out - Guidelines for Speaking at Town Council Sessions
How Can You Speak Directly to Yanceyville's Governing Body?
The Yanceyville Town Council requests and encourages comments and involvement from members of our community. Whether you own a business, represent a group, or you want to share an opinion, we want to hear from you! In order to facilitate your involvement in the process of local government decision-making, the Yanceyville Town Council has established several methods for you to publicly address the governing body.
They are as follows:
Sign up for Public Comment at the Start of the Meeting
A Public Comment period occurs at the beginning of every regularly scheduled meeting of the Yanceyville Town Council. If you have a concern you wish the Council to hear, then sign-up any time prior to the start of the meeting. A sign-up sheet is provided at the meeting as you enter the Council Chambers. Those who sign-up for the citizen comment period are asked to limit your comment to 3 minutes, as the Public Comment portion of the meeting is limited to 15 minutes total. If there are a number of groups or individuals, commenting on the same issue or concern, the Mayor reserves the right to ask that a speaker be appointed from the group to make the presentation. The Town Council also reserves the right not to act on requests first presented at the same meeting.
Ask a Town Council Member to be Placed on the Agenda
For any meeting of the Yanceyville Town Council (a regular meeting, a special called meeting, or an emergency meeting) anyone may ask a council member to be added to the agenda prior to the meeting. A motion must be made by the requesting Council member to add an individual to the Agenda. That motion must have a second, followed by a majority vote before the person would be placed on the Agenda for that meeting. It will be up to the Town Council to decide if a citizen, group, or organization that is not already part of such meeting agenda's called purpose is to be permitted to address the Council during the meeting.
Public Hearings
The Yanceyville Town Council regularly schedules public hearings on a variety of topics. If you wish to speak during a public hearing, simply attend the meeting and raise your hand to be recognized at the appropriate time. In order to address the Council during a Public Hearing, the Mayor must first recognize the individual or organization wishing to speak. Public Hearings are advertised in local newspapers prior to the hearings.
When publicly addressing Yanceyville's governing body, the Council asks that you obey reasonable standards of courtesy in your remarks. The Mayor has the authority to determine whether a speaker has gone beyond reasonable standards of courtesy in his or her remarks and to entertain and rule on objections from other members of the Council on this ground.
If you have any questions regarding procedures for making public comments to Yanceyville's governing body, they may be addressed by referring to the Yanceyville Town Council's Rules of Procedure. A copy of these regulations are available from the Town Manager for your review upon request. An electronic copy is available below.