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Click on the department name for more information about services offered and who to contact.
Town Manager/Clerk
Kamara Barnett
(336) 694-5431
Deputy Town Clerk
Miranda Harrelson
Kathy Hinton
Administrative Assistant
Call 911
Police - Fire - Emergency Services
Billing and Collections
Sharon Willis- Billing Clerk
(336) 694-5431
Click to view ordinances
Interim Director - Mark Guthrie
Public Works Staff, Elvis Strader Jr.
Public Works Staff, Jonathan Reagan
Future plans coming soon
For Info (336) 694-5431
The administrative offices include the Town Manager. The Town Manager provides an avenue for the citizens to communicate with the government of Yanceyville. He also serves as Town Planner, Zoning Administrator, and Budget Officer. He is directly involved in planning, directing, managing and overseeing the activities and operations of the Town on a daily basis, as well as any personnel decisions within the Town.
Human Resources
The Human Resources Department performs a variety of tasks in updating, implementing, and complying with human resources requirements for the Town. This department maintains all employee records as well as information of positions available for employment with the Town. It also provides information regarding personnel policy and benefits.
The Finance Officer oversees the finance office and all financial records for the Town including collections for assessments, all permit fees, and any type of collections concerning Town of Yanceyville fees and services and delinquent accounts. Other functional areas of the department are accounts payable, payroll, and budgeting. The Finance Officer also maintains the audit reports and reports directly to the Town Manager and the Town Council on all matters regarding finance.
Tax Information:
Residents and businesses of the Town of Yanceyville benefit from prime industrial real estate, low property taxes, and a wide array of valuable resources provided by Caswell County and Yanceyville Town Government.
Tax Collection
The Town contracts with Caswell County for the collection and valuation of all taxes. The Caswell County Tax Department is located in the Caswell County Courthouse, or by mail at: Caswell County Tax Collector, P. O. Box 98, Yanceyville NC 27379.
Rates and Revaluation
Town Property Tax Rate (Effective July 1, 2024): $0.30 per $100 Valuation
County Property Tax Rate (Effective July 1, 2012) $0.625 per $100 Valuation
Last Revaluation: 2024
You may list your property at the Caswell County Tax Office. You do not have to list real estate that has been listed in a previous year.
The Caswell County Tax Office, from information provided by the DMV, automatically lists motor vehicles registered with the NC Division of Motor Vehicles.
You must list any improvements or additions to real estate, unregistered motor vehicles, boats, trailers, and business or farm equipment.
Notice of Assessments are mailed to residents by August 1, and taxes are due December 31.
Both Town and County property taxes can be paid at the Caswell County Tax Office located on the lower floor of the Caswell County Courthouse on Church Street. Payments can also be mailed to the following address:
Caswell County Tax Collector
P. O. Box 98
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Annual Budget
The Town of Yanceyville Annual Budget is presented here, with additional information to assist citizens with understanding the budget preparation and administration process.
The Budget Ordinance for the Town of Yanceyville is a document approved by Town Council annually that provides the map for which the Town Manager and staff will use to navigate the services and expenditures incurred by the Town throughout the year.
Billing and Collections:
This department is responsible for collecting all water bill payments, tracking local water use, and maintenance of all water accounts; in addition to handling a multitude of clerical and maintenance duties for the Town on a daily basis.
Billing Clerk - Sharon Willis
Administrative Assistant/Billing Clerk -Kathy Hinton
(336) 694-5431
Planning and Zoning
The mission of the department is to engage in responsible and responsive planning to enhance the quality of life in the community by promoting the wellness of neighborhoods, protecting property values by encouraging compatible development, and providing for the future growth and stability of the Town of Yanceyville. This department provides planning expertise to the Town Council, Planning Board, developers, surveyors, citizens, etc. on short and long range land use, zoning, subdivision provisions, watershed management, flood damage prevention and neighborhood revitalization (e.g., public nuisance abatement, minimum housing standards, abandoned/vacant structures).
Code of Ordinance
The Town of Yanceyville's Code of Ordinance is a document comprised of the Town Charter, Administration Structure of the Town, Animal Control Provisions, Environmental Provisions, Nuisance Regulations, Housing Standards, Street and Sidewalk Provisions, Vehicle and Traffic Provisions, Utility Regulations, Zoning Regulations, and Franchise Provisions. These codes allow for the Town to ensure that the growth, development, and operation of the Town remain in the best interests of the community.
Zoning Ordinance
The Zoning Ordinance regulates how land may be developed within the Town limits. In particular it addresses: zoning districts and respective provisions, special use permits, street access, signs, off-street parking and loading requirements, nonconforming situations, administration and enforcement, zoning permit application & issuance, certificate of compliance, violation and penalties, text amendments, Planning Board, mobile home parks and sexually oriented businesses.
Readoption of the Town of Yanceyville Zoning Ordinance, June 18th, 2024. Please refer to this Ordinance for any questions or concerns.
Full copies of the Ordinances can be printed by request for a $20.00 fee at the Municipal Services Building.
Public Works
The Town's Public Works staff is responsible for building and park maintenance, landscaping, event preparation, water meter reading, water and sewer line maintenance and repair, and inspection of infrastructure. The Public Works staff is trained to handle a diverse range or maintenance and repair issues, and work diligently to provide the best possible services to the community through planning, efficient workmanship, and customer service.
The Public Works Department operates Monday through Friday from 7:30am - 4:30pm, and are on call for emergency situations 24 hours a day.
To contact the Public Works Department, please call 336-694-5431 and a member of staff will direct your call to a Public Works employee.
Public Works Interim Director -Mark Guthrie
(336) 694-5431 Office
Public Works Staff:
Elvis Strader
Jonathan Reagan
Water and Wastewater Plant Information
The Town of Yanceyville provides water and sewer services to over 1000 different account holders both inside and outside the Town's corporate limits. In order to supply the water demands of our community, and in turn the wastewater demands, the Town owns and operates a water treatment plant and a wastewater treatment plant.
The Yanceyville Water Treatment Plant is located at 1316 Badgett Sisters Parkway and was constructed in 2001. The Water Treatment Plant obtains surface water from S.R. Farmers Lake and treats the water which is then transferred to two holding tanks that are capable of storing over 1 million gallons of water. The plant is capable of treating up to 1 million gallons of water a day, and uses the Green Leaf filtration method to treat the waters.
The Yanceyville Wastewater Treatment Plant is located at 666 Pine Drive and was originally constructed in 1967, but was updated in 1996 as the Town increased its wastewater treatment capacity due to growing demands on the system. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is capable of processing .45 million gallons of wastewater a day and is classified as a Sequential Batch Reactor system.
Both the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants are managed by a third-party contractor, Inframark LLC, an independent, American -Owned company. Inframark is charged with the daily operations and maintenance of the two plants. By contracting with Inframark, the Town is able to see savings in the operation, maintenance, and personnel costs that would be involved if the Town were to provide those resources on its own. If you have questions about the Water or Wastewater Plants, please feel free to contact them.
If you have a question or complaint about your water, please contact either the Town Manager, or the Water Treatment Plant. If you have a question or complaint about your sewer, please contact the Town Manager.
Water Plant Contact Information:
Phone: 336-694-4227
What is a Service Line?
In a water distribution system, a service line carries water from the water main (typically near or under the street) to your place of residence or business. The EPA classifies water service lines as any water line that is less than two (2”) inches in diameter. The Town of Yanceyville owns and maintains the water service up to the meter, and the property owner owns and maintains the water service from the meter to the building. Provided below is a diagram of a typical water service line with the public and private ownership side labeled.
To view the water service line material to your dwelling, please enter your street number in the green box provided below. If you have any questions about your service line or have not already submitted your customer self-identification form, please send an email to If you have lost your customer ID form, or if you do not see your material listed, please submit your water service material type to
Throughout the history of water utilities, Lead Service Lines were sometimes used as a water service material throughout the United States as a way to convey water from the main to a residential home or business. Due to a better understanding of Lead and the harmful long-term effects, many water projects limited the amount of lead that was used in construction of water mains and services starting around the 1930’s and 40’s. While lead was not used for the entirety of the service lines, there were lead fittings that were being used until 1986. In 1986, the US government passed a lead ban that stated that water piping or fittings that were to be used for distribution of water for consumption could not be lead. In 1992, the Safe Drinking Water Act was amended with an effective date of 1994 so that piping could not be manufactured with more than 8% lead and fixtures, solder or flux could not contain more than 0.2%. In 2011, congress passed the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (RLDWA) changing the definition of lead free from the 8% to a weighted average of 0.25% for all piping and fixtures while solder and flux remained at 0.2%. In 2020, the EPA published the final “lead free” rule which requires manufacturers to constantly verify that materials are adhering to the 0.25% and 0.2% standards. This updated rule also requires public water supply owners to create an inventory of service line materials to further identify and address potential sources of lead contamination within drinking water.
Requirements of the Town of Yanceyville
As part of the EPA’s rule adoption in 2020, all public water suppliers are required to inventory the water service lines for residential single family, multifamily homes, daycares and schools. In an effort to comply with these rules, the Town of Yanceyville has begun investigating water service material types in various locations around the Town. The locations that were selected to be investigated first are areas of older homes and areas that have a higher probability of having a lead service line.
While the Town cannot investigate every service at this moment, we do ask for your help. If you know the material of your water service, please send an email to the address below with your Name, Address, and Water Service Material. If you have recently replaced the water service at your home, please include the year the replacement was made.
EPA Links
Fire Department
The Yanceyville Volunteer Fire Department provides fire and rescue services for the Town of Yanceyville and is located on The Square on Main Street in downtown Yanceyville. The organization also operates a satellite station located at the Yanceyville Airport on Highway 158 West. With 11 vehicles, the station is the largest fire department in Caswell County.
Led by Fire Chief Vernon Massengill, the 32 members of the department are all dedicated volunteers who serve not only the town but extend into the county as the need arises in support of county fire departments. All members are required to maintian skills in firefighting and technical rescue operations.
These firefighters are responsible for the routine maintenance and care of all equipment and to maintain a high level of readiness for any incident. They clean, inspect, repair and test all department resources to ensure a safe and efficient work environment at the Fire Department. If you have a concern regarding the services, call us; we may have the inside track to finding the appropriate solution.
For a fire emergency, please call 911
For the Caswell County Dispatch office, call (336) 694-9311
Emergency Services
Law Enforcement Services are provided by the Caswell County Sheriff's Department. See the link below for more details about the law enforcement services provided in Town.
Emergency Management Services are provided by Caswell County Emergency Management:
Coordinator: Barry Lynch
Phone: (336) 694-5738
Located in West Yanceyville, the Town of Yanceyville recently purchased adjacent properties totaling 41 acres to be part of the existing landing strip. The Town is planning to re-develop and improve the property which will be known as the Yanceyville Municipal Airport.
The Town of Yanceyville owns a municipal cemetery off of West Main Street.