Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ is intended as a first resource for residents, prospective residents, and business owners. If you do not find the answers here for your questions, feel free to contact us – We’ll be glad to assist.
The Yanceyville Municipal Services Building is open Monday thru Friday from 8:30 am-5:00 pm. The Town is typically closed on State observed holidays, as well as when needed due to inclement weather. Feel free to call us for more information about our hours of operation.
A drop box is located to the left of our front doors to allow for Water and Sewer bill payments to be dropped off after hours.
Observed Holidays:
The Town of Yanceyville picks up residential trash on Tuesday morning each week. Trash is expected to be placed in trash cans by the roadway by 7:30 AM for pick-up. Yard debris, appliances, and large items such as furniture are not picked up by the Town. Those items may be disposed of at the Caswell County Landfill.
Also, any trash that is not placed in a trash can (no larger than 40 gallons) will not be picked up, and is considered a nuisance violation of the Town's Code of Ordinance. Due to public health and safety laws, un-canned trash is considered a health threat to the community. Repeated violators of this nuisance ordinance can be fined up to $50.00 per occurrence.
The Town of Yanceyville does not provide citizens with yard debris removal; therefore the State of North Carolina allows citizens to burn their yard debris in their yard. The Town of Yanceyville does NOT require a permit for these types of burns. Please take great care to ensure that you are not creating an unsafe environment when you burn.
We suggest that you avoid burning leaves and yard debris near roadways, neighboring property lines, or near buildings, as well as avoid burning leaves during times of day that may have limited lighting, gusty winds, or any other times that may be unsafe.
For more information about legal ways to burn yard debris, check out the following presentation on open burning in NC:
North Carolina's Open Burning Laws
The Property Tax Rate for the Town of Yanceyville is $0.30 per $100 of property valuation.
The Property Tax Rate for Caswell County is $0.675 per $100 of property valuation.
Property Valuations are determined by the Caswell County Tax Office. Property valuations are scheduled to be conducted once every seven years, but can be done more often.
Town Council Meeting Schedule
Each meeting is held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 pm, unless otherwise posted.
All meetings are held in the Town Council Chambers of the Municipal Services Building (Town Hall) located at 158 East Church Street in Yanceyville, unless otherwise posted.
The Yanceyville Planning Board meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:15 pm. The meetings are held at the Municipal Services Building, 158 East Church Street, Yanceyville, NC.
Applications for water and sewer service are accepted Monday - Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM at the Yanceyville Municipal Services Building, 158 E. Church Street. A picture ID and proof of ownership of the property are required.
The Register of Deed's Office handles all Marriage License issues. The Register of Deed's is located in the Caswell County Courthouse and can be reached by phone at 336-694-4197.
Caswell County Courthouse
251 East Church Street
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Some general Marriage License Information:
A marriage license is valid for 60 days after the issue date.
There is no waiting period. The couple must present a certified copy of their birth certificates and show their driver's licenses or Social Security Cards.
If either person has been divorced they must present a copy of the judgment.
If either party in the couple wishing to be married is under 18 their parents are required to sign the marriage license.
Auto Registration Plates
All new residents of North Carolina are required to purchase license plates upon establishing residency.
The Yanceyville License Plate Agency is located at 1430 Main Street, inside of Caswell Tire Service, Inc. For more information regarding purchasing plates and vehicle inspections, please call 336-459-3300.
Liability insurance is required on all vehicles and a certificate of insurance from the insurer must be presented with the application for license.
The Yanceyville Post Office is located at:
United States Postal Service Office
100 Main St, Yanceyville, NC
(336) 694-6262
The Gunn Memorial Library serves the people of Yanceyville and Caswell County.
Gunn Memorial Library
161 Main Street East
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Website: Gunn Memorial Library
All taxes are to be paid to the Caswell County Tax Office. The Town of Yanceyville contracts with the Caswell County Tax Office for assessment and collection of taxes. If you have any questions, you may contact them at 336-694-4194., or visit them at their website below:
Caswell County Tax Office
Property taxes are due and payable on August 1st of each year. However, late fees and interest are not charged until the following January 6th. To avoid interest and late fee, please pay your property taxes on or before January 5th. To deduct property taxes on your income tax returns for the current year, payments must be made by December 31.
Tax payments may be mailed to:
Caswell County Tax Collector
P. O. Box 98
Yanceyville NC 27379
The Town of Yanceyville mails out Water and Sewer bills on the first business day of each month. That bill is due by 5:00 pm on the last day of the month. After this time, account holders are assessed a 15% late fee on the balance.
If full payment of the bill is not received by the 10th of the following month, the water service is then disconnected, and the account holder is assessed a $45.00 Administrative Fee.
Water Bills can be paid online, by phone, mail , or at the Municipal Services Building, located at 158 East Church Street during regular business hours. There is a Drop Box located to the left of the front door where bills can be dropped off during non-business hours.